this is what I have and using to study for the series 7. very very good stuff. scroll down to the middle, under dvd <TABLE class=ptpackagetable style="WIDTH: 545px"><TBODY><TR class=ptpackagerow><TD class=ptpackagename id=ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl05_ctl06_TD1 style="WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 15px" vAlign=top align=left>Series 7 Video - DVD Box Set </TD><TD class=ptprice style="WIDTH: 148px; HEIGHT: 15px" vAlign=top align=right>$295.00
I bought mine off of ebay for 50 bucks. alot better then the 295 and you get the exact same things.
if you're serious about the series 7, get this.
If you want a copy of the 7 dvd's. I will sell em to you for 50. let me know